Select-640 Autodoser

This format of doser allows for pumping of product at a specific rate.
For example, if a waterline has a known flow rate e.g. from a ground water pump, it may be possible to determine the rate at which the Select doser adds product to the line. No flow sensor is needed in this case.

Select-640 Autodoser

Key Features

  • No water flow sensor needed, as the output rate of the pump is selected on-screen.
  • Any output rate can be selected from 0 - 30l/hr of pumped product. The rate is chosen from a list of predetermined values.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How to install Select-640 Doser?

Select-640 Doser comes with a detailed installation guide. You can also contact our support team for assistance.

Q. Can I use a battery to run the Spinstir?

Yes. The Spinstir 10-12 has a 12V DC motor. Normally we supply the Spinstir with a 240V AC adapter, but you can specify battery clips at the time of ordering.

Q. Is the Select doser expensive?

There are certainly cheaper dosers on the market, but when you factor in the built in water meter, the range of products that can be dosed, the huge range of ratios that are programmed in and the very low maintenance costs, Select dosers are very cost effective.

Q. How do I get rid of air locks?

This problem does not exist with the Select doser. The pump can move air as well as liquid. No more downtime using a syringe to suck out air locks!

Q. Can I run the Select doser from a battery?

You can. This is particularly useful when the Select doser needs to be used in a field situation (pheasants, free range pigs etc.).

A 12V leisure battery charged from a solar panel is also perfectly possible.

Q. Why are there different tubes to use with the Select doser?

If we used one large pump tube for all dosing ratios, at very fine ratios and very low water flows it might be several minutes before the doser was able to turn to inject product. Although this would still be accurate overall, folks prefer to see the doser operating more frequently with a smaller tube fitted.

Q. Why do you use peristaltic pumps?

There are several reasons. With the dosed product kept inside the pump tube, even strongly corrosive liquids don't harm the pump, and there are no product residues in the pump to contaminate the dosed product. A win win.

Servicing of both diaphragm pumps and the Dosatron type doser can be fiddly and time consuming. Changing a pump tube in the Select doser takes around 23 seconds. This effectively services the doser.

The Select doser does not suffer from air locks. a huge advantage when dosing products that can generate gas bubbles.

Q. How long does a pump tube last?

It all depends on four things - the water line pressure that you are dosing into, the product being dosed, the condition of the rollers and the number of times the rotor squeezes the tube.

Choosing the correct ratio to dose the original concentrated product will save the tube being worn by pumping excess water from a stock solution. And - change the pump tube regularly to avoid it splitting. Leaked product can damage the rollers.

Q. Aren't diaphragm pumps better?

Diaphragm pumps can certainly pump at a higher pressure than a Select doser, but that is pretty much the only advantage.

99% of the time there is a low pressure point on a water line to dose into. Having actual dosing ratios (and flow data) shown on-screen on a Select doser, having superb accuracy of dosing and not suffering from airlocks all count towards the Select doser being a superior choice.

Q. What is the warranty period of a Select Doser?

Each Select Doser has a 1 year manufacturing warranty.
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