
Item code: 10TX300

The Tx box collects water flow data and sends a Daily Report to the user's mobile phone with a 4-day comparison. A drop in water consumption can signify an approaching health problem.

In order to expand the Tx box to include 7 more channels, the I2C extension is available.
These extra channels can be configured to have any sensor attached to them. So, while the basic 5 channels (1 to 5) in the Tx box are fixed in terms of what can be attached to them (2 x flow, 2 x switch and 1 x temperature), the 7 Channels in I2C can be temperature, pH, ORP, switches etc.


Key Features

  • A low cost monitoring and alarm system designed for farm and other uses where both instant information and long-term data need to be collected.
  • Communication is by SMS over the GSM mobile phone system. This method is used as GSM coverage is near 100% in may areas of N.America, Europe and Asia.
  • Daily reports can be delivered to up to 5 users detailing trends of (e.g.) water consumption over the last 4 days and the percentage change between days.
  • One SMS can be sent daily so that online graphing can be completed.
  • Up to 6 alarm levels can be set for each sensor.
  • Each Tx box has, as standard, 1 temperature channel, 2 water flow channels and two switch channels for LevelAlert, float switches etc.
  • Extra temperature, ORP and pH channels can be added.

Technical Specifications

  • GSM based
  • Standard SIM card customer provided
  • 24 hourly data transmitted on one SMS
  • Online graphing free to use
  • SMS messages transmitted to in-country receivers hosted by Dosing Solutions country representative
  • Data from extended period can be downloaded into Excel format
  • Five channels as standard (1 x temperature, 2 x flow, 2 x switch)
  • Extra temperature, ORP and pH channels can be added with I2C extension
  • Six alarm setting per channel
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What variables can I look at with Tx?

The standard Tx box can look at 1 x temperature, 2 x water flow and 2 x contacts (e.g. float switch, timer etc.).

With the expansion box (I2C) you can add seven more sensors (temperature, pH, ORP).

Q. Why does Tx use a SIM card?

The Tx box needs to send information both to your mobile / cell phone. We have found that a GSM signal is normally available to send SMS messages in most areas where we work, even very remote areas. If Wi-Fi was universally available, we might have considered using this.

Q. Why can't Tx look at 10 water flows?

The previous version of Tx (General-Alert) could look at 48 different sensors. We found that, in practice, there was so much cabling involved that the time spent was unacceptable.

It is far easier, and cheaper, to use several Tx boxes placed close to the sensing points rather than having one large, complicated system.

Q. Is Tx expensive to run?

In the UK, we can get a SIM card for GBP 40.00 (2024 price) that lasts for 1 year. Each SMS message from the Tx box costs 1p (about EUR 0.01 or USD 0.01).

Each sensor attached to a Tx box will normally send out 1 SMS containing 24 hourly readings.

So - the Tx system is not at all expensive to run.

Q. Can data from Tx be graphed?

Yes. It is generally easier to see data in graph form to identify trends - both good and not so good.

Please contact us (or your distributor) about setting up your Tx box to send data for graphing. The graphs are shown online and are password protected.

Q. Tx - Aren't text messages a bit old fashioned?

An SMS (text) message is a remarkably robust thing. Even with a very faint GSM telephone signal, an SMS will be routed correctly.

Bluetooth can suffer connection issues, Wi-Fi can suffer down time as well whereas a GSM signal can prove to be remarkable reliable. And, it is reliability that is needed to ensure Tx performs on time every time.

Q. Can LevelAlert be connected to Tx?

Yes. LevelAlert comes as standard with a strobe alarm light, but there are connection terminals ready for a siren and for cables to go to Tx.